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httr2 provides two methods for performing requests: httr2::req_perform(), which returns a single httr2::response() object, and httr2::req_perform_iterative(), which returns a list of httr2::response() objects. This function automatically determines whether a single response or multiple responses have been returned, and parses the responses appropriately.


resp_parse(resp, ...)

# S3 method for default
  arg = rlang::caller_arg(resp),
  call = rlang::caller_env()

# S3 method for httr2_response
resp_parse(resp, ..., response_parser = httr2::resp_body_json)



A single httr2::response() object (as returned by httr2::req_perform()) or a list of such objects (as returned by httr2::req_perform_iterative()).


Additional arguments passed on to the response_parser function (in addition to resp).


An argument name as a string. This argument will be mentioned in error messages as the input that is at the origin of a problem.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


A function to parse the server response (resp). Defaults to httr2::resp_body_json(), since JSON responses are common. Set this to NULL to return the raw response from httr2::req_perform().


The response parsed by the response_parser. If resp was a list, the parsed responses are concatenated when possible. Unlike httr2::resps_data, this function does not concatenate raw vector responses.