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This function implements an opinionated framework for preparing an API request. It is intended to be used inside an API client package. It serves as a wrapper around the req_ family of functions, such as httr2::request().


  path = NULL,
  query = NULL,
  body = NULL,
  mime_type = NULL,
  method = NULL,
  user_agent = "nectar ("



The part of the url that is shared by all calls to the API. In some cases there may be a family of base URLs, from which you will need to choose one.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The route to an API endpoint. Optionally, a list or character vector with the path as one or more unnamed arguments (which will be concatenated with "/") plus named arguments to glue::glue() into the path.


An optional list or character vector of parameters to pass in the query portion of the request. Can also include a .multi argument to pass to httr2::req_url_query() to control how elements containing multiple values are handled.


An object to use as the body of the request. If any component of the body is a path, pass it through fs::path() or otherwise give it the class "fs_path" to indicate that it is a path.


A character scalar indicating the mime type of any files present in the body. Some APIs allow you to leave this as NULL for them to guess.


If the method is something other than GET or POST, supply it. Case is ignored.


A string to identify where this request is coming from. It's polite to set the user agent to identify your package, such as "MyPackage (".


A httr2::request() object.